
about the painter

Ing. arch. Igor David


Painting as well, as a house needs to be built

Igor David and his brother Aleš have been designing and building houses for more than 25 years, and painting is his eternal companion. He started at the Academy of Fine Arts with figurative drawing with Peter Oriešek and constantly reflects his experience with art into architectural creations.

“The art of painting is one’s reflection of our world, it is the experience of man, therefore the essential thing the house is all about,” Igor often comments.

Establishment and method

The house is grounded and is gradually being built, as it seems quite clear. The whole process has its design phase and construction phase. The creation of a house is based on a certain method. Igor perceives the creation of the image in a similar way. The painting is built similarly to a house. Paintings have been built in this way since ancient times. They were built in this way during the medieval, renaissance, baroque, rococo periods. But our modern times want to forget this principle. In the case of a house, it is obvious that it must start from the ground, in the case of a painting it is easy to overlook it, or to say that “it” is not needed, but the painting is a “work” just like a house.

The path to pre-ginning

The path to the old masters and their procedures is a journey to the very beginning, to the foundation, to the moment even before the beginning – to the preginning. The path to a deep foundation of the work.

For our ancestors, this was obvious, they didn’t have to think about it and consider it. We must, because we have abandoned this principle.